How do I purchase items on Kambeo?

Adding items to your cart from causes, events, companies, the cart, and how to checkout

You can purchase tickets and merchandise from causes and events by visiting their page and browsing their store component (their store component is most likely on the store subtab). If you'd like to purchase an item, click the "Add to Cart" button. If you'd like to purchase an item from a company page, click on the item you'd like to add to open a modal. Then, click the "Add to Cart" button within the modal.

Your cart is accessible in the main header, on the right side, displayed as a shopping cart icon with a red icon indicating how many items are in your cart. To get to the checkout page, click the shopping cart icon.

On the checkout page, some of your cart items may have required questions attached (for example, if you're buying a shirt, you may have to select a size). When purchasing physical items (merchandise), the store owner will have required shipping/pick-up options to select. You can increase or remove items within your cart on this step. On the next step, the checkout page will ask you for some basic information (payment, billing, shipping information) as well as payment method information. If you have a discount code, you can apply it on the right side of the screen (or at the bottom of the page on mobile).