Release 3.4.0

Kambeo platform changes and updates

Stay informed on the latest changes to the platform and what's coming!

Table of Contents

Release Summary

Highlight Features & Enhancements

Notable Enhancements

Notable Resolved Issues & Bugs


Release Summary

  • Release Date:  Wednesday, January 19th, 2022
  • Bugs Fixed: 41
  • Features and Enhancements:  61

Highlight Features & Enhancements

Volunteer Availability
We've made changes to volunteering and applications, allowing volunteers to set their availability throughout the week. Volunteers will be able to select their ideal time of day for volunteer gigs (morning, afternoon, or evening), Monday through Friday on their accounts page. When applying for a volunteer opportunity, Kambeo automatically fills out the volunteers availability based on this information. The volunteer is also able to modify their availability on the application screen for each opportunity they're applying to.

Volunteer Details
We've added a volunteer section to our contact details modal. This modal allows event/Group managers to view volunteer analytics, verify volunteer hours, and manage the users shifts.

Discover Pages, Organization Pages
We've added new pages to help users find events, groups, and volunteer opportunities. The discover pages allow users to easily view events and volunteer opportunities that are happening soon, trending, or have been recently added. Users can also easily find new or trending groups.

Our new organization pages help users who are interested in posting on Kambeo. Whether you're a school, business, or non profit, these pages will help you get started on Kambeo.

Search Page Updates
We've updated our search page to improve user experience. We've added more filters to help users find groups, event, and volunteer opportunities that better suit their interests. We've also added consolidated markers to our map to reduce the map marker clutter.


Mailchimp Integration

  • All contacts are synced automatically 
  • Contacts are tagged with Kambeo Capacity in real-time (Donor, Fundraiser, Volunteer, Supporter, Sponsor, etc.)
  • Lists are created for each Event automatically allowing you to easily communicate with attendees.

Mailchimp Logo, history, meaning, symbol, PNG

Notable Enhancements:

  • Added a multi-select option for tables where bulk actions can be applied on group/event management screens.
  • Added locations to events and gigs (previously, locations were only store on groups).
  • Added an export for event attendees.
  • Added option to not send a receipt email when an event administrator submits a payment for an auction item.
  • Added a donation amount column to store purchase exports.
  • Added an application submitted success screen, includes suggestions for other gigs to apply to.
  • Added a verify volunteer hours tab to the event management screen (previously, verifying
    volunteer hours was done through the group management screen).
  • Added an event setting to allow administrators to enable/disable Strava and Twitch.
  • Added a fundraising component to group pages, separating the events and fundraisers into two components.
  • Added a permission to receive auction related notifications.

Notable Resolved Issues & Bugs:

  • Fixed an issue that would sometimes prevent a user from creating an "On Behalf Of" event.
    Updated user experience for users who are invited to Kambeo, simplifying the registration process.
  • Fixed an issue that would cause the "Create Group" flow to end in a 404 page.
  • Fixed an issue where the backend would fail when creating a group.
  • Fixed a typo in the "Application Form Success" toast message.
  • Fixed various table layout issues on group/event management pages.
  • Fixed formatting issues on the sponsorship component.
  • Fixed volunteer application issue where the user would sometimes be sent to the group application page instead of the gig application page.
  • Fixed an issue where the user was prompted to connect stripe on an event (stripe is connected on a group level).
  • Fixed an issue where auction and store item purchase summaries would display the wrong values.
  • Fixed an issue where users were sometimes unable to bid on auction items on a mobile device.
  • Fixed an issue where users were sometimes unable to create store items on an event page.
  • Fixed an issue where store purchase summaries didn't take into account discounted prices.
  • Fixed an issue where donations made by a user who isn't logged in received emails in the wrong language.